Rosaliene Israël (1977) was raised in a small village on the Dutch countryside in a family of six children. After she graduated from Gymnasium, she obtained a propedeuse in Law (Utrecht University). Because of her interest in ethics, philosophies of life and religion, she continued her studies in Theology (Utrecht University). After obtaining a MA in Religious Pedagogics and a Professional MA in Church Ministry (Protestant Church of the Netherlands), she was ordained as a Minister in the Protestant Church of Landsmeer (Noord-Holland). Rosaliene specialised in Practical Theology and is currently working on a PhD-project on intentional Christian Communities (Protestant Theological University) and part of the research program ‘Mediating good life’. Since november 2018 she is appointed as Secretary-General of the Protestant Church in Amsterdam. For eighteen years she was with her partner Sjoerd Sinke member of an intentional community in the city center of Amsterdam. At the moment they live in the Bijlmer (Amsterdam Zuidoost) and have taken the initiative to found a new community.